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Old 08-07-2011, 10:42 PM
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graniteguy52 graniteguy52 is offline
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Default Question: How big a safe does it take to make BATFE happy enough to grant an FFL

I am hoping that some of you might have experience with the BATFE to advise me as to how big a safe I need to have to get an FFL. Will a 500 pound unit with a 30 minute fire rating, bolted to the floor work, or do I need 1000 pound plus safe with a 2 or 3 hour fire rating. Does the government even care if it's a fire safe? Is it all about stolen guns? Any way, I would be glad to hear from you fellows who have dealt with the BATFE, before I talk to any one from the government myself.
Gordon Alcorn
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Old 08-08-2011, 05:17 PM
airamp airamp is offline
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Default Re: Question: How big a safe does it take to make BATFE happy enough to grant an FFL


Well they really don't care as long as they are locked up. After all you are the one responsable.

What we did was a large 1500lb with about a 4 hr rating. On the outside a warning not to use a torch on this unit (Black Power Storage EXPLOSIVE). Gets soneone's attention just in case some fool gets that close to it.. a 8lb keg dosn't hurt ether...

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