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Old 07-10-2007, 02:46 PM
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Danny C Danny C is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Hurricane, UTAH
Posts: 880
Default Re: The Coin Collet! Interested?

If I may make one more suggestion.
When making the "holding circle" put in a 1 deg (or less) taper. It will always be forcing the coin "in". This will also 'grab' a coin that is too large or too small better, and not have a tendency to wear (loosen up) as quickly (longer life).

Also, If you have a nominal size for the initial bore, the tightening bolt should clamp up on almost anything quite nicely. I would think that the cut is bigger than the coin tollerance. If the coin is bigger than the opening then a small flat screwdriver would spring it open more and the too large coin would fit in it and be clamped up.

To release a "normal" coin, a vertical shaft with a soft tip that has a slot in it that rides on 2 pins or a vertical guide can be used. A rod is then inserted into a side slot, goes to the bottom of the vert. shaft, is pushed down, shaft goes up and out comes the coin. Of course 2 opposite slots cut in the holding crown would work, but where is the fun "engineering" in that!
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