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Old 09-20-2012, 09:36 AM
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Tom McArdle Tom McArdle is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Western NY USA
Posts: 1,040
Default Re: getting back into drumming

Hi John,

Flying was my first love as a kid, but I never did it. i got glasses in the 5th grade, and was devastated for years. No life dream for many years after that.

I didn't have the fortitude to pursue music in college. i was always afraid i wasn't good enough. I even quit a very elite Drum Corps after making the snare line, because I always thought somehow, i would turn out to not be good enough.

I fenced at Drew University for one year, before i quit school and joined the Army. I had started in High School at a local college. I faced a very tough lefty in Epee once. I used some counter 4 moves on him, because he tried to come from my outside (6 position) and blow through my guard with a heavy binding move, and hit the body. It worked on everyone else, but my counter 4 backed him off. Eventually, he won in extra time when i had a brief brain cramp, and he got me on the wrist.

This was back in 1985, i think, when it was still 5 touch matches.

get back into the air!

Tom McArdle
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