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Old 04-16-2009, 05:52 AM
Peter Peter is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 640
Default Re: How much is 1 trillion dollars?

Chris - I am a "live and let live" type of person myself. I think politically we share a lot of the same feelings....and unfortunately, in my advancing age, I sadly have come to the rationalization that government is our biggest obstacle towards a more enjoyable life.

Gail - I think your perception is VERY keen. Unfortunately, the self importance of the pumped up politicians has a LOT to do WITH this situation. The politicians achieved a life of luxury and leisure at the expense of taxpayers, so it was only fair that they provide the legislation for the CEOs, and Wall St crooks to fill their pockets too!

I think the "tea parties" yesterday all over the country are an indication of how citizens feel about the situation our government put us in.

OF course in all of this, I have NOT seen any concessions being made BY our Senate and Congress in reducing the LARGE compensation and benefit packages THEY TAKE from taxpaying Americans.

Enough ranting....I consistently try to refrain from talking politics as all it does it cause aggravation!

Despite it all, I could not think of a country that would allow me a better quality of life than here in the USA. Of course if I had hundreds of millions to work with like all the thieves, that would be FAR different!

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